Before signing a contract, it is critical that you have an attorney review it to ensure that you are protected.

Whether your contract is business to business, business to individual, or person to person, our firm will confirm that you are aware of what you are signing and advise you on whether the contract is in your best interest. Our firm will also draft your contracts to make sure your and/or your business goals are best represented and liabilities minimized in any contractual agreement that you enter.

5 Reasons why a contract should be reviewed by an attorney

  1. Fairness – make sure that the contract benefits the client as well as the other party

  2. Translate – interpret what the contract actually states

  3. Loopholes – Review contract for means and methods around intended terms

  4. Thoroughness – Make sure the contract is complete and contains all of the basic terms

  5. Compliance – Make sure the contract complies with applicable laws

The Colbert Law Firm is here for you; let us help you take control of your situation.